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PP-UNP-HKG-0116 MAY 2023

Patient safety is of paramount importance throughout the life cycle of a medicine - and pharmaceutical companies have ethical and regulatory responsibilities to monitor the safety of the products they sell for as long as they are used by consumers anywhere in the world. The Drug Safety Unit at Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited. address product experience reports including adverse events. If you have any experience pertinent to the above, please contact us at (852) 2811 9711 as soon as possible.

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The information provided in this site is intended only for Health Professionals who reside in Hong Kong, and the products discussed herein may have different product labeling in different countries/regions. The site is for information purpose only, and nothing herein shall be construed as providing any kind of medical advice or recommendation or product promotion. Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited is a pharmaceutical company committed to helping people improve their health by discovering and developing medicines.


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PP-UNP-HKG-0116 JAN 2024

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